A well maintained pond is an amazing extension to any garden and planting aquatic plants can further add to their fascination. Plants, in addition to their beauty, will also function in controlling algae levels and help to oxygenate the water. Continue reading
How to Create a Wildlife Garden
There is the belief amongst some that a wildlife garden means one that is left to become tangled with undergrowth and weeds. Or, there is the myth that a garden needs to be wild to attract wildlife. While this is true to some extent as you will find some wildlife such as birds and rabbits, but the diversity is far less than you will find in a well managed garden with a range of plants and habitats such as log-piles and a garden pond.
By simple definition, a wildlife garden is one which is planned in favour of wildlife. Continue reading
Why Invest in a Butyl or Epalyn Pond Liner?
If you are in the pond planning process, you maybe wondering what type of liner to install in your pond with the aim of having a low maintenance pond for at least 25 years. Rubber pond liners are now considered the most popular choice versus other pond lining materials. Continue reading
Tips to Garden Pond Spring Care
Ponds are a wonderful addition to any garden, however if not maintained they can become an eyesore with overgrown plants, weeds and water that is unhealthy for fish and other wildlife. Routine seasonal cleaning and maintenance are required to keep a healthy ecosystem for all inhabitants. In this article we look at essential Spring pond maintenance tips. Continue reading
Pond Pumps – Tips to Healthy Ecobalance
A pond can only demonstrate it’s full beauty as a feature to your garden if the ecosystem is in balance. This needs to be created and maintained using a filtration and Continue reading
Pond Liners versus Puddled Clay
Before the invention of pond liner materials, ponds were built from puddled clay. It’s clay that has had all the air pockets squeezed out of it to make a solid, immovable, watertight layer. Continue reading
Tips to Calculating Pond Pump Size
Before buying a pond pump, there are a number of considerations that need to be made to ensure you choose the size most suited to your pond. Continue reading
How to fold corners of pond liner
The introduction of flexible pond liners Butyl and Epalyn (EDPM = Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) has greatly improved pond building techniques. The great strength of these flexible rubber pond liners provides an extremely durable construction material while its elasticity allows stretch ability. Continue reading
How to Dig a Pond
Spring is a time of year when many of us want to get out into our gardens and tackle a list of jobs of which one maybe to construct a fish pond. But, this year many counties were faced with a hose-pipe ban putting a possible ‘dampener’ on that idea (fish ponds need to be filled with water free of impurities whereas a wildlife pond can be filled from a rain butt provided you include natural filtration by way of aquatic plants). Continue reading
How bad is algae to garden ponds?
Two week-ends ago we had an Open-Garden in our village. The gardens we visited were all meticulously landscaped and all blooming in a variety of colour. Interestingly, they all included a garden pond in their landscaping and in two cases there were fish ponds flanking either-side of a feature foot path. Continue reading
Rainwater effect on garden ponds
The weather in the UK has broken many records over the past decade with the latest being the highest amount of rain, which fell in the month of June. So what effect does all this rain have on your garden pond? If you are a new pond owner you would probably imagine that rainwater is good for pond life just as it is for garden plants and the lawn. Continue reading
How to plant pond plants?
Planting aquatic plants into a newly built pond
Always take care to plant only healthy plants into a pond, otherwise the delicate ecosystem may be disturbed by pests or diseases carried in on the plants. Choose those with clean green leaves and several buds. Avoid buying plants with slimy or yellow leaves or if the water the plants are growing in is murky. Continue reading