How to Get Your Pond Liner Size Just Right

So, you’ve dug a wide and deep enough hole in your garden and you’re about to take the plunge (metaphorically, of course) and order your pond liners. Before you do, it is worthwhile understanding a few important rules that will help to calculate the appropriate Continue reading

How to prevent garden pond pests

It had never occurred to me that voles could be a hazard to ponds, but there have been reports of them gnawing their way through a pond liner causing the pond to leak. If you are aware of these rodents in your area it is best to take preventative action to stop voles damaging your Continue reading

Facts about EPDM rubber pond liners

It is now widely documented that pond liners made from synthetic rubber are significantly more flexible and durable than liners made from plastics (PVC, HDPE or TPO). Continue reading

Make Compost to Dig In Around Your Pond For a Lush Garden

Did you know that an estimated 40% of the content of our weekly waste is made-up of organic matter that can be turned into compost rather than sent to landfill? This could be used to make compost, which can then be used to feed your garden by digging nutrients in the soil to encourage lush growth around your garden pond. Continue reading

How to Rid Your Pond of Algae

A frequent inquiry by pond owners is on how to deal with algae growth. There are different types of algae and all of them can cause problems in a pond by depleting oxygen levels and thereby affecting pond life. Whether you have a fish pond or wildlife pond built using either a preformed liner or a flexible rubber pond liner, dealing with algae is important. 
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How to Reshape a Pond with Flexible Pond Liner

Despite initial careful planning before a pond build, it is not uncommon for a pond owner to decided to change the design and layout of their garden pond – not dissimilar to a homeowner wanting to make internal or external changes to their home. In either situation there are usually possibilities available to achieve the desired end goal. The only real limitation would be the availability of space. Continue reading

Step One to Building a Garden Pond

Before commencing with the physical planning and building of a garden pond the first step is to take a good look at your garden noting all aspects before deciding where the best place is to build your pond.

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Step Two is To Design Your Pond

Once you have completed the first step to your garden pond creation and know what space you have available, the next step is to look at designing your pond before construction can commence. Continue reading

Pond Pump Brings Life by Moving Water

A water feature adds mysterious qualities to any garden. You can enhance the attraction by adding movement of water by installing a cascade, waterfall or fountain. This not only adds a soothing noise of running water to your garden, but also aerates the water thereby enabling fish and wildlife to thrive and survive as well as reducing algae growth. Continue reading

Garden ponds in winter – are you prepared?

After a very mild Festive Season, the big freeze has arrived and all of the UK is in the grips of cold weather with snow and ice covering much of the country. Our attention suddenly switches to announcements about the many travel disruptions, school closures and the excitement at the prospect of going sledging or snowman building. For those with garden ponds, they can’t be forgotten for fear the water freezes over causing stress and harm to fish as well as other resident wildlife. If action is not taken, you could lose fish. Continue reading

Japanese pond design – including pond liner installation

Many images and photographs of water gardens seen in print media are those of Japanese design. If this style and design appeals to you, then here are a few ideas to help you create a Japanese water garden of your own. This type of pond creation works well in both small or large gardens provided the location allows for the creation of a private, quiet, structured environment synonymous with Japanese tradition. Continue reading

Pond Liners and Planting Aquatic Plants

Water gardens, also referred to as an aquatic garden or garden pond, have become popular in recent years. A water garden is a man-made feature, which typically combines a pond with aquatic plants and/or ornamental fish. Fixed items such as rocks, fountains, statues and waterfalls can be combined with the pond to add visual interest and integration with the surrounding garden landscape.

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