Adding rocks on top of pond liner? Consider the pros and cons

Flexible rubber pond liners shielded below and above by a protective underlay liner can with stand the weight of rocks and safeguard the pond liner from possible damage. Continue reading

January garden pond and pond pump maintenance

Garden ponds should not be forgotten about during the cold winter months. January and February are generally the coldest months of the year in the UK and the best time of the year to carry out pond maintenance checks (provided your pond hasn’t frozen over!). Continue reading

How effective is Butyl rubber pond liner versus Epalyn?

Flexible pond liners are the most popular choice because they allow for more pond build options. These versatile pond liners include Butyl and Epalyn (EPDM). They can be cut to fit any shape pond.

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Revitalise your fish pond with Spring maintenance

Pond liners, pond pumps, fish, aquatic plants and pond water all form an integral role in the health and longevity of a garden pond. In this article we will touch on the steps that need to be taken as Spring and then Summer approach so you can enjoy the beauty a pond brings to a garden without the stress of dealing with algae.

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5+ fantastic uses for rubber pond liners

Rubber pond liners offer the easiest way of creating a reliable, high quality pond that will last for several years. Continue reading

Spring forward with our special on Butyl pond liners

Many people across the UK are quoted as saying Spring is their favourite time of the year. We love the vibrant colours that light-up gardens, fields and forests. The warmth of the sun invigorates us and people suddenly seem to emerge from hibernation as they start to fill the garden nurseries, parks and walk ways. Continue reading

Are you building a garden pond over the Bank Holiday weekend?

Ponds bring the beauty of nature to back gardens. As a micro-environment they develop quickly because the many animals that visit are highly mobile so move-in very quickly.  Birds, amphibians, insects and mammals will descend upon your pond giving you a greater opportunity to see wildlife you most likely would otherwise not have seen.

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Frog friendly garden ponds and finding frogspawn

Gardens with a wildlife friendly pond or water feature have a strong chance of seeing frog spawn around about this time of year, marking the start of Spring. Frogs tend to return to the same ponds every year towards the end of February to beginning of March to lay frogspawn. Once they have spawned, the frogs return to dry land to feed. 

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Pond edgings used to secure a pond liner in place

Digging out the hole and laying the protective underlay and pond liner should, in most cases be relatively straight forward provided that you are not trying to tackle the job on your own! Continue reading

Why grow the native water mint around pond edges?

A question we frequently get asked by those new to garden pond ownership is what to plant in and around their pond and how to merge the top of the pond liner with pond and surrounding garden.

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How to care for your garden pond in the Summer

Summer poses a variety of threats to your pond’s well-being, and these must be dealt with to keep it looking healthy. Ponds, their pond liners and inhabitants need additional care when the ambient temperatures rise above 250C. Follows these tips to benefit for all your pond has to offer.

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How to care for your garden pond and liner in Autumn

Garden ponds whether lined with a flexible pond liner, concrete or a preformed liner all need a similar level of maintenance as each new season approaches. Autumn is not quite with us yet but putting steps in place as the seasons start to change will help minimise the effort involved Continue reading