Grab a bargain on a quality pond liner

Building a pond is an exciting project for any keen gardener or fish enthusiast. Two important initial decisions to be made are deciding on the shape and size of pond to fit an appropriate location in your garden. Once you have mapped out your pond on the ground and started excavating, the next step is deciding what pond liner will offer your pond the best water containment.

Pond lining options are bespoke box-welded pond liners, flexible sheet liners or a rigid preformed liner. Each has it’s pros and cons. A box-welded pond liner is fabricated in a factory to the exact pond dimensions of formal vertically sided pond designs. If you plan on building a small pond on a budget then a PVC pond liner will do the job. A rigid preformed pond liner limits creative designs and scope to add on to your initial pond build. Rubber pond liners such as Butyl and Epalyn offer longevity, flexibility and excellent durability.

Sold under many different brand names, EPDM is a pond liner with very high quality specifications. Liners Online sell EPDM under the name, Epalyn and is available in three different thicknesses; 0.75mm, 0.85mm and 1.0mm.

Epalyn is slightly more flexible than Butyl rubber pond liners which have dominated the market for many years. It moulds into the contours of ponds of any shape or size. Synthetic rubber pond liners are environmentally friendly and won’t affect pond life.

Features of Epalyn pond liner

  • Fabricated in the factory or sheets welded together on site
  • Highly flexible moulding readily to the contours of pond shape
  • Very durable and resistant to UV radiation so won’t crack or go brittle
  • Withstands adverse weather conditions : -40 to +150 degrees Celsius
  • Doesn’t leach out any chemicals so safe for fish or any visiting wildlife
  • Puncture resistant

With all the outstanding features of Epalyn synthetic rubber liner, you can even grab a summer offer on the price.

Why ponds, bees, birds and trees are invaluable

Ponds, bees and trees form a key part of our ecosystem. They form an important role in helping nature thrive. We make a difference to local wildlife by building a pond, planting a tree (or sponsoring one) and growing native plants rich with pollen or nectar.

A garden pond, preferably one designed to attract wildlife offers great value to local ecosystems. They will attract pond skaters, water beetles, dragonflies, damselflies and birds (if there is somewhere for them to land and drink). Ponds designed specifically for wildlife will also, in time, attract frogs and possibly newts too. If you would prefer an ornamental fish pond, it may not attract as many wildlife species but it will still offer a valued resource to many.

Autumn is the ideal time to build a pond when the ground is soft. But, even early spring is a good time to dig a pond before the ground warms and dries-out. Dimensions of at least 2m x 2m are considered to be optimal, but wildlife isn’t fussy when looking for a source of water. A pond depth of at least 60 cm will greatly reduce the chances of the water freezing over in winter.

When siting your pond aim to build it on flat ground (to avoid rain water flowing downhill and flooding your pond) in a sunny part of your garden.

Lining a pond with a good quality pond liner is advisable. It will prevent water lose through seepage, withstand UV radiation and less likely to tear.

Add oxygenating plants to reduce algae build-up and to keep water from stagnating. Planting long-stemmed plants such as Irises will provide a safe place for insects such as dragonflies to land and to exit from the water.

Steps to slow the decline in bird populations

According to an article by Scientist and Researcher, Ken Rosenberg published in the Journal of Science, we have lost 3 billion birds over the past 50 years. His research focuses on helping to stop the alarming decline in birds. His theory is that “it is much easier and less costly to be proactive and work on this while birds are still coming.”

We can help birds by:

  • Limiting or irradicating the use of pesticides
  • Limit our use of plastics and dispose of any plastic responsibly – to avoid birds getting tangled in them
  • Put up a bird feeder in a safe place and regularly put out energy rich food
  • Plant fruit bearing trees (if you have the space)
  • Support bird charities like the RSPB and their valuable research

Birds are a huge asset to farmers because they eat insects thereby keeping crop destroying insect population numbers under control. Birds also play an important role in helping with pollination.

We can help bees by growing plants that produce nectar rich flowers. by growing a range of plants there is the possibility of extending the availability of nectar from spring through to autumn. Plants such as Primrose, Buddleia, Lavender and Marigolds are just a few examples of bee loving plants.

Bees need trees. They provide a source of nectar and offer an essential habitat. Bees use the resin on the trunks of trees to build their nests. Cavities in the bark of trees provides shelter to bees and other insects.

Trees are essential habitats and air-filters

Trees clean the air we breathe. They soak-up excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it to oxygen via photosynthesis. Essentially they are the most effective air filters. They also provide a valuable habit for wildlife. Birds nest in trees, bats roost in trunks and insects seek shelter under bark. The resin of trees is used by some bee species to build their nests.

Climate change and extreme weather are driving the decline in bees, birds, butterflies and much of wildlife. We can slow the decline by using whatever outdoor space we have to create a haven for wildlife.

Steps to preparing your pond for Spring

The days are getting notably longer and there are signs that warmer weather is on its way. Spring marks a season of new beginnings. A time of year when beautiful, vibrant colours ascend from the ground. It’s a season that brings with it a feeling of happiness and we begin to feel so much more energized as we head outdoors. Gardens come alive and for those lucky enough to live in the country-side, there is the bleeping sounds of lambing season. We love it!

As the temperatures start to warm, creatures who hibernate begin to awaken and so too does life in a garden pond. There are things pond owners can do to make this period as stress free for wildlife as possible. When the temperature of pond water is consistently at or above 10 degrees C, it is time to take important steps to prepare both garden and pond for Summer so that we can enjoy the sheer beauty they offer.

In the early spring, a ponds ecosystem is in a fragile state with growing demands on oxygen supplies as fish become more active and the water gets warmer. To help your pond for Spring, here are a few important steps to make sure your pond gets a healthy start.

Spring garden pond maintenance:

  1. Start feeding your fish again.
  2. Skim dead leaves and debris off surface of pond
  3. Carefully remove this sludge from bottom of pond. Organic matter left in the pond will start to break down as bacteria become more active. Decomposition will cause pH levels to drop and increase nutrient levels in the water – which algae thrive on. You can use a skimmer net or pond vacuum to remove debris from the bottom of the pond. Whatever method you use, be careful not to remove or interfere with frogspawn. If you need to scrap debris off the bottom you also need to be careful not to damage the pond liner.
  4. Water evaporates on windy and when the temperatures are high. It is important that you maintain the water levels by topping-up with water – preferably filtered from a rainwater butt as tap water carries higher levels of nutrients, which may affect the ecosystem.
  5. Carefully remove your pond pump to check that it is in good working condition and remove any debris that may have got into the pumps mechanics.
  6. If your pond is looking sparse, this is a good time to add a few aquatic plants. The aim should be for plant foliage to cover a third of the water surface. Plant a combination of floating aquatics, submerged oxygenating plants and water lilies, along with marginal plants grown in the shallow water around the edges.

There is nothing more pleasing than a well-maintained water feature. A garden pond offers sound, movement, reflections, and a place to grow aquatic plants. But ignore your pond and it will become a muddy, weed-infested ‘eye-sore’.

Contact Us or visit our website to order any of our pond or garden related products.

This entry was posted on February 3, 2023, in Garden ponds.

Garden pond maintenance in May

Pond maintenance is important throughout the year with each month having its list of actions that will need attention. Ongoing maintenance will ensure the water in your pond and it’s inhabitants continue to thrive from season to season.

For many of us, April has had unpredictable weather patterns which have seen snow, frost and high winds with a few warm sunny days too. With average temperatures around or marginally below the average for April, you will be forgiven for not being on top of your gardening and pond maintenance. But, we hope that the Easter week-end will bring warmer weather and inspire you to get both ‘Summer’ ready.

Now that the weather is warming up, it is the perfect time to introduce new plants to your pond. If you have a more established pond, it is important to thin out existing oxygenating and marginal pond plants (when they become too invasive and out grown their growing baskets). Cutting back aquatic plants will allow enough sunlight in to warm pond water and allow photosynthesis of submerged plants.

If you notice any signs of stringy blanket weed when tending to your pond, remove all traces as soon as possible. Dealing with Duckweed or Blanket weed as soon as possible reduces the chances of pond life being chocked by these oxygen sapping unwelcome plants.

Doing a few pond maintenance tasks each month will go towards a ensuring a thriving pond and a spectacle to enjoy during the warmer months of the year.

5 things to check before adding fish to your pond

5 tips to successfully adding fish to your garden pond

The number of ponds that have been built during these unprecedented times is just so exciting. Ponds not only add aesthetic value to your garden, but they are of great importance to wildlife. Most importantly, though is the reward of accomplishing a successful pond build and successfully adding fish to a healthy ecosystem. After which, you can sit back and enjoy all that your pond has to offer.

If you have built your pond for the purpose of homing fish, there are things to consider first. The best advise is to exercise a little patience, the result of which will be happy goldfish or Koi and a thriving pond.

Spring is the ideal time to introduce fish to your garden pond.

Steps to take before adding fish

  • Establish a safe aquatic environment first. A healthy ecosystem is critical to the survival of your fish.
  • Add a filter and pond pump to your water feature
  • Check pH which needs to be maintained between a range of 7.2 to a maximum of 7.8
  • Make sure the water temperature is around 60 degrees Fahrenheit before introducing your goldfish or Koi
  • Take care when transporting fish from place of purchase to pond location. Avoid direct sunlight onto the bag/s carrying your new pets

Introducing fish to a garden pond needs to be a slow process to avoid stress. A temperature variation between pond water and the water inside the bag they have been transported in needs to minimised. The best way to achieve this is to slowly add small amounts of pond water to the bag. Or, float the bag on the surface of pond for a half hour to an hour so fish can slowly acclimatise. Either method works provided you avoid fish being exposed to direct sunlight.

Size of pond matters too, especially if you are going to home Koi. They typically need at least 1000 gallons of water and depth of pond needs to be no less than 3 feet deep. It is also wise to net your pond to deter unwanted predators visiting your pond for a ‘free meal’.

We hope these simple, but practical tips are useful in a successful introduction of to your garden pond.

This entry was posted on February 4, 2022, in Garden ponds.

Practical tips to sustainable gardening and pond maintenance

According to an article published on the UK Government website in January 2020, British households are responsible for 25% of total carbon emissions. This makes them one of the biggest contributors to UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. In the interest of this article we are going to look at a few practical tips on how we can make changes to the way we garden and care for our outdoor space in a more responsible way. Every little step we take will help reverse the changes to the state of the environment.

Garden in a manner that will cause little or no harm to nature and will help preserve it as best as possible.

Here are a few ideas to gardening in a ‘greener’ way:

  1. Use natural methods to remove weeds from your lawn and flower beds. Avoiding the use of chemical weed killers will not only reduce adding packaging material to landfill or recycle bins, but it is kinder to micro-organisms and reduces the risk of rain run-off into your garden pond. Digging compost into flowerbeds or adding a layer of mulch will smother out weeds. Regularly digging weeds from lawn and garden beds before they seed also helps to keep those unwanted plants from taking over.
  2. Practise organic gardening as much as possible.
This entry was posted on November 19, 2021, in Garden ponds.

How to keep a new pond thriving

Ponds take a few months to fully establish and build-up sufficient resilience to prevent it from being overwhelmed with algae. There are a few steps pond owners can take to help their new wildlife or fish pond thrive through the seasons. Maintaining good pond water quality is key.

A garden pond should ideally be at least 50cm deep and 1.5 meters wide to achieve a healthy balance.

A new pond needs to build up sufficient good bacteria and a balanced ecosystem so during this period it will require diligent maintenance.

The summer of 2021 has experienced some challenging weather conditions from extreme heat to torrential downpours. Through these adverse situations a new pond will need to be carefully managed to reduce the chances of poor water quality:

  • Avoid rainwater run-off from your garden into your pond. This is of particular importance if the lawn has been fertilised or plants had added nutrients dug in to soil around their roots.
  • Dead-head plants and remove fallen leaves before they sink to the bottom and start decomposing
  • Scoop out the first signs of thread-like algae blooms
  • Top-up a new pond with rainwater if possible (provided it is free of contaminants). Tap water is chlorinated so you want to avoid it killing off good bacteria. If your only option is tap water, it is advisable to stand in a bucket until warmed to ambient temperature before pouring into pond.
  • Test water pH levels regularly to ensure pond doesn’t become too acidic or alkaline.

Importance of adding plants to wildlife pond

Aquatic plants help to maintain a balance between sun and shade as well as adding interest. They also play an important role in a pond’s ecosystem particularly in wildlife ponds. Aquatic plants offer a source of food and protection to frogs, newts, larvae and numerous small creatures that visit.

  • Submerged plants offer shade and protection for aquatic larvae.
  • Marginal plants provide an egg-laying habitat for newts and perches for dragonfly nymphs.
  • Oxygenating plants help maintain sufficient oxygen levels in the water making it less murky. These plants also absorb impurities in the water.
  • Floating plants covering up to two thirds of the surface, prevent the build up of bad algae and blanket weed.

Before going out to buy plants it is a good idea to research the mature size of plants relative to size of your water feature. Too little sunlight or, vice versa can affect water quality. Best to avoid invasive plants too.

The more time and effort you put into the first few months of your new pond, the more likely you are to be rewarded with a healthy water feature.

This entry was posted on August 20, 2021, in Garden ponds.

What is the best pond liner for a big pond?

Choosing a pond liner can be a challenge if you don’t know what to look out for. Pond liners come in different types, materials and thicknesses all designed with one primary purpose and that is to hold water. There are many liner materials on the market either from online stores, from garden nurseries or well-known DIY shops. In this article we will look at three popular choices available in the UK to help you in the decision process.

Consider these pond liner features:

  • Tear and puncture resistant to reduce the need for having to repair your pond liner
  • Resistant to UV rays therefore guaranteeing a longer life expectancy
  • High sheet flexibility so that it is easy to push into the corners and contours of your pond build
  • Non-toxic to fish for those wanting to take-up koi or goldfish husbandry

Types of pond liners

The latest trend is to use a flexible pond liner versus a preformed pond. Sheet water containment materials offer design flexibility. It allows you to build a pond to any size, shape or depth. It also offers the means of expanding your pond build or adding a feature such as a stream.

The choice of pond liner tends to be either PVC or a synthetic rubber material. PVC has been around the longest and tended to be the traditional choice. It is the least expensive and it is easy to work with. PVC is a light weight material and conforms readily to the shape of a pond. However, PVC has the potential to leach chemicals into the water therefore is not the ideal choice for fish pond builds. It isn’t UV or ozone resistant, therefore this liner material needs to be fully covered to avoid environmental damage which would reduce the liners life expectancy. Extreme weather conditions will also affect PVC causing tears and this material can’t be repaired if it punctures.

Rubber liners such as Butyl and EP (Liners Online EP is known as Epalyn) are both very pliable, offer high strength, resistant to UV and adverse weather conditions, non-toxic to fish, easy to repair and likely to last many years (25+ years).

For large ponds we recommend a flexible synthetic rubber pond liner of 1mm thickness. The thickness offers greater durability thereby ensuring it withstands the most demanding conditions.

Pond liner sheets welded together

Epalyn can be used for the water containment of any size pond because sheets of liner can be fabricated together using a Hot Bond Seam Weld technique. Epalyn is therefore available to order for any pond size or design.

View our Pond Liners Online video for details of pond liner fabrication and vulcanisation >>

  • Epalyn rubber liner is manufactured in Sweden then delivered in rolls 1.7m wide and 30.5 or 40m in length in thicknesses of 0.75 or 1.0 mm’s.
  • The Epalyn liner is rolled out in preparation for measuring and cutting.
  • The material is cut to the correct length sheets for fabrication into a pond liner.
  • The liner is then folded in such a way as to make the fabrication process as easy as possible.
  • The first sheet is prepared for fabrication to the second.
  • We use hot bond tape to weld the two sheets together. The tape is applied to the very edge of the first sheet.
  • The backing from the tape is removed ready for the second sheet to be applied.
  • The hot bond welder is moved into position and the liner seam is pulled into the middle of the platen ready for the fabrication process to begin.
  • The platen is heated to 190 – 200 degrees C and when closed over the joint pressure is applied using a compressor to start the vulcanising process.
  • This process results in a high strength, vulcanised overlap seam.
  • At this point the weld is inspected to ensure that the machine has bonded the two sheets together correctly.
  • The pond liner is now complete and ready to be folded and packaged ready for delivery.

Once you have decided on your preferred choice of flexible pond liner, you will need to measure your pond build and use the dimensions in a simple calculation. If you are still not sure how much pond liner to order, you can go to this Pond Liner Size Calculator page and input the widest length, deepest depth and widest width measurements, which will then determine the exact amount of liner to order.  We recommend doing the same to place an order for Geotextile protective underlay.

Happy pond building and we hope we have provided enough insight into making the best water containment choice for your large pond build.

How to add plants to your wildlife pond

Are you wanting to find ways to encourage wildlife into your garden? Building a wildlife pond with at least one sloping side will provide water, food and a breeding ground for many creatures. Aquatic plants added to a wildlife pond will provide much needed shelter.

Add plants for these reasons

In this video Monty Don offers advice on how to plant-up a wildlife pond. Plants provide shelter from predators and shade against the heat of the sun. They are also important in keeping the water oxygenated and maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

Add plants like this water lily. The leave provides a platform for frog to enter and exit the water

Why pond water quality is critical to Koi survival

Do your Koi look lifeless or have scales missing? This could be a sign that they are stressed and possibly suffering ill health. Losing a pet Koi is very distressing. The cause could be poor husbandry and often a result of deteriorating pond water quality. A lack of oxygen could also be the cause.

Water quality is a key factor to the health of fish who become increasingly stressed in poor conditions. There are a number of factors that can affect pond health such as local climate, size of pond, number of fish stocked, number of aquatic plants and the type of filtration system installed.

Koi are cold water fish and so do best in ponds that are in partial to full shade (geography dependent but best to avoid Koi pond water getting too warm). They can survive all but the coldest winters when ponds freeze over. Koi require more maintenance than goldfish and do more damage to pond plants nibbling on them only.

How to maintain healthy conditions for koi

  • avoid spraying insecticides or pesticides on to flower beds that are close to your pond and put measures in place to prevent rainwater run-off (unless your garden and pond are on flat ground!). Use natural methods of pest control to reduce chemicals entering your pond and affecting the water quality.
  • test the pH of your pond water fairly regularly. Fish thrive in water which has a pH of around 7 to 7.4. High ammonia and nitrate levels are an indication that there are too many fish in your pond or the filter system isn’t coping. The role of a filter system is to clean the pond water and keep it free of bad bacteria.
  • carry out a partial water change weekly.  This helps to remove pollutants from the water. The advice on how much water is exchanged varies amongst pond experts. Start by doing a 10% change and monitor the water quality between changes. If 10% is not enough to remove pollutants then increase the volume. No more than 50% should be changed to avoid stressing the natural ecosystem and fish. Use a pump, pond vacuum or hose to remove water from your pond. Replace with harvested rainwater or dechlorinated tap water.
  • a garden pond is a closed water system where water leaves only via evaporation leaving behind pollutants. Ponds need to be installed with a good filtration system to remove fish waste – which if not removed release ammonia into the water. Bacteria in the water converts ammonia into nitrates which is then processed by plants and algae.
  • reduce levels of algae by growing aquatic plants which cover 50 to 70% of the water surface. Plants will also offer a protective habitat to fish. They also absorb nutrients in the water reducing algae growth
  • remove organic mater from your pond water before it sinks to the bottom and starts to decompose – and becoming a food source for the growth of algae.
  • the greater the surface area of a pond the greater the amount of oxygen so always build a pond as big as your garden space will allow.
Healthy koi in a pond with good water quality

Koi can thrive outdoors for many years in well nurtured and maintained garden ponds. A raised, vertically sided pond lined with a rubber Epalyn or Butyl pond liner is more of a deterrent to pond predators than a pond on ground level. There are, however pond guards and protective aids available for all pond types and shapes to discourage predators visiting and reducing your goldfish numbers.

Koi are friendly and add so much character to a garden pond. They are hardy provided you follow the advice shared in this article. If you can add anymore advice, we would love to hear from you.

How much pond liner do I need?

Knowing how much pond liner you need will save your budget (and time!) – too big or too small is wasted money. Calculating how much material you need is dependent on accurate measurements of your pond build. You will need these to add into a liner calculator which will take your measurements to determine the amount of pond liner and protective underlay you will need to order. So, let me take you through how to calculate how much material you need.

Pond liners offer greater flexibility in pond design allowing you carte blanche in creativity. However, the further you move away from the traditional rectangular or circular pond shape the more you need to understand how to take measurements. With all measurements remember to add in a little extra for an overlay (visit ‘Pond planning and construction‘ for more information).

How to take measurements of your pond Pond with wooden bridge going across and bordered by ferns

  • Measure the longest length
  • Measure the widest width
  • Measure the depth from the deepest area of your pond

Now, add one side (Length or Width) to two times the depth plus amount needed for the overlap (0.15m).  The depth of the pond needs to be multiplied by two because the pond liner needs to go down one side of the pond and back up the other side.

How much of an overlay or overlap to add into your calculation really depends on how you plan to fix your pond liner in place. So, increase or decrease the amount of overlay depending on installation and edging method. I have used an overlay of 0.15m in my example calculations.

The pond liner calculation will look like this:

  • Maximum length + (2 x depth) +2 x 0.15m overlap = Total Length of Liner
  • Maximum width + (2 x depth) + 2 x 0.15m overlap = Total Width of Liner

Multiplying the depth by 2 accounts for the depth on both sides of the pond. And, the same applies to the overlay. Planting shelves in your pond design don’t need to be accounted for as they won’t significantly affect the pond measurements.

The size of pond liner required can be calculated as: Maximum length + (2 x maximum depth of pond) x maximum width + (2 x maximum depth) with the overlay added into the length and width pond measurements. Or, take each measurement and use a pond liner calculator to do the calculation for you.

How to measure how much pond liner you need

Pond liner measurements for an L or U-shaped pond

For more complex pond designs such as an L-shaped or U-shaped pond, the easiest way to take measurements is to divide the pond into sections. So for an L-shape you would measure as a square + rectangle. The depth where the two liners will meet only needs to be added into the calculation once.

Or, calculate as a whole shape:

  • Measure the maximum depth
  • Measure the length of the two outer longest sides of the pond.
  • Multiply the maximum depth measurement by three and add it to the two longest lengths of your pond to get pond liner dimensions required. Box-welded pond liner fabricated from EPDM pond liner

Ponds with an island or raised plinth:

  • Measure the maximum depth of pond and multiply this by four,
  • Measure length and width of pond
  • 4 x maximum depth + length x width = pond dimension

Filling your pond

When you start filling your pond with water, watch to make sure your liner isn’t being pulled out of shape. Once your pond has been filled, allow the liner settle for a while before making any adjustments to get it as flush to the shape of your pond as possible

You will need at least 150 to 200mm of excess pond liner for the over lay. Any excess for your edging requirements, can now be trimmed and neatened before anchor in place with boulders, paving slabs or other chosen edging material.

Use our pond liner size Calculator to get the pond liner and underlay measurements you need to order for your pond design. For L-shape and ponds with a plinth you may want to discuss these with our pond experts first. You can phone us at Liners Online on 01526 399 033 for all your pond liner queries.

Discover how to care for your pond in Spring

The clocks have changed, the weather is warming and nature is awaking to a new season. For gardeners and pond owners spring is also a busy time clearing, cutting back and planning.

Your pond in Spring needs regular maintenance to keep them looking good. Without it they can soon become overgrown. This could lead to pond water becoming too unhealthy for fish and other wildlife to thrive in. If you notice an increase in algae growth, deal with it by raking up the filamentous weed and leaving it to the side of your pond for a few days. This will allow time for any wildlife hidden in the algae to make their way back to the water.

If you struggle to keep algae levels low then another option is to use barley straw. This is an environmentally friendly treatment for blanket weed. Submerge mesh bags of barley straw just below the water’s surface in early spring (replace the straw when it turns black). Chemicals released when the straw decomposes inhibits the growth of algae.

Garden ponds need careful spring maintenance to keep the thriving like this one

Pond in Spring maintenance tips

If you kept your pond free of fallen leaves and debris in Autumn the chances are your pond is starting the new growing season looking healthy. If not, clearing debris before it starts to decompose needs to be a priority. Here are nine other tips to getting your pond Summer ready:

  • Give your pond filter a good cleaning. If you have a bio-filter, give it a boost of a bacteria/enzyme product to ensure a good bacteria colony starts to grow in the bio-filter.
  • Start feeding your fish when temperatures are stable at around 55 degrees F (12 degrees C).
  • Clean your pond pump and check all hoses for leaks or cracks.
  • If you have a net covering your pond, make sure it is still intact, if not, replace it.
  • Remove leaves or other debris in your pond – as the water warms up, any debris left in your pond will start to decompose and affect the health of fish.
  • Fish keepers need to keep a vigilant look out for any signs of illnesses or wounds. Parasites and bacteria start becoming more active as the weather warms posing a potential threat to fish.
  • Divide and repot pond plants. Avoid re-potting with soil full of organic matter. Most water plants grow well in sand and don’t require fertilizer. Water lilies are, however, an exception and do require fertilizer for a healthy growth. Water plants get their nutrients from fish waste. If you have extra plants after you have divided them, you may want to consider growing them in low, damp spaces in your garden.
  • For fish ponds, make sure that up to half of the surface of your pond is covered with floating plants as it gives the fish a place to hide from predators and keeps them cool in the heat of the summer. It also keeps the sun from encouraging algae growth.
  • If your pond is lined with a pond liner check that the material you have used for the edging is still in place, sufficiently covering the pond line to prevent any possible damage from claws or the UV rays – rubber pond liners are UV stable and will withstand long periods of UV exposure – but, a bare edging exposing a pond liner can detract from the beauty of the pond.

For wildlife pond owners, frogs are likely to have started to spawn in your pond. Netting your pond may help to deter the many prey. Insects start to hatch. Herons will be getting ready to nest and on the look out for an easy meal – look out for them in the early hours of the morning. Spring is also a time for growth, so regular cutting back your aquatic plants will help to make sure they don’t start occupying too much of the water surface.

A busy time but getting outdoors is good for your soul. You will also reap the rewards of a healthy pond during summer.