The role of the pump is to recirculate water. Movement of water is important for increasing the oxygen content of the pond to keep it healthy. There are many different types of pumps for garden ponds available on the market and choice depends on what the pump is intended for. For example, if your pond design includes a fountain then a fountain pump would be required, which are designed to deliver clean water to fountain attachments. Before going out to purchase a Continue reading
A common pest of fish in garden ponds
The anchor worm is a common pest of fish. Despite its name, this pest is actually a crustacean and is a very destructive creature. The head of the anchor worm embeds into the flesh of fish (the host) causing unsightly lesions and growths. Continue reading
How clear is the water in your pond?
I went for a walk locally and on route noticed a garden pond sited in a lovely setting, but unfortunately it had become neglected. The water had become mirky dark colour. I didn’t get close enough to detect whether it was foul smelling too. Continue reading
Establish an even balance in your water garden
For a water garden to be the most attractive feature of your garden, it is very important that you establish and maintain a balance within the pond. It is true that submerged oxygenating plants have a great influence on the condition of the water, Continue reading
Ponds above the ground make a creative patio feature
Instead of a potted conifer, annual or Buxus why not look out for a decorative container such as a half whiskey barrel, a disused deep enamel basin or a fibreglass tank to create a pond for growing water lilies. The tub must be placed where it will get sunlight. Before planting-up your tub, it is important that you make sure it is thoroughly cleaned to prevent any possible contamination to the water. Continue reading
Installing a prefabricated pond
The advantage of a prefabricated pond, is that they are easy to install, the shape is predetermined and they come with built-in selves for marginal plant growing. They are available in a variety of depths and dimensions. The downside, however is that they don’t look as natural as a pond built and lined with a rubber or PVC pond liner. Continue reading
Caring for your garden pond during the bleak winter months
We don’t need any reminders that we are experiencing a bitterly cold winter, but for this reason we do need to remember that as a pond owner we have tasks to do during the winter months to protect our pond against the freeze. Continue reading
Create a fountain using a decorative plant pot
What could be more soothing than the tranquil sound of water trickling over stones in a mountain stream? Well, why not create this effect in your own garden or patio. Using a decorative container, pebbles and a submersible pump, you can create a water feature where water is the focal point: Continue reading
Creating a low-maintenance garden pond
There is no doubting that a water feature of any form is a wonderful focal point in any garden. But, for many of us it is perhaps the thought of all the maintenance that is potentially required to keep it healthy and looking good, which puts us off having one in our own gardens.
Garden pond maintenance spring checklist
I guess I speak for most of us in the UK, that we are longing for the warmer, sunny days which Spring brings. So, while we still have a few weeks to go, it’s important to schedule in spring pond care for when the days do start to get warmer. Spring will also become evident when fish start swimming around more energetically and plants are poking green shoots above the water. Continue reading
Prevent fish pond icing over in winter
Pond heaters or pond de-icers are a necessary pond accessory for all Koi or other fish keepers as it is important that the pond water is kept at a stable temperature to ensure a healthy environment for fish during the cold winter months. Continue reading
Ground preparation before laying pond liner and protective underlay
It is important to prepare the ground properly before laying down the protective pond underlay and pond liner. Thorough preparation will reduce pond maintenance in the long-term and prevent damage to your pond liner. As you prepare the ground for the pond, save any turf removed to fill bare spots in the lawn once your pond is constructed: Continue reading