Kit Epalyn 0.75mm 4x3m (13’1″x9’10”)


Kit includes a standard cut pond liner, protective underlay and a tube of waterproofing sealant.

SKU: Kit Epalyn 0.75mm 4x3m (13'1"x9'10") Category:


Epalyn 0.75mm 4x3m pond liner kit also includes an underlay cut to the same dimensions and a tube of waterproofing sealant.

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Epalyn 0.75mm 4x3m pond liner kit

Epalyn is a black synthetic rubber sheet. It is slightly more flexible than Butyl liners and can be repaired in the same way. Use it to line ponds of all shapes and sizes. Rubber pond liners can also be fabricated into a tailored-to-fit or box-welded pond liner.

Epalyn manufacturers guarantee is Lifetime for orders under 100 square meters and 25 years for orders over 100 square metres. Please see our Terms and Conditions for further details.


* High flexibility and elongation properties

* Superior weathering resistance

* Low maintenance after installation

* UV resistant

Epalyn 0.75mm 4x3m kit includes a pond liner of the highest quality likely to last a lifetime provided an underlay liner is installed beneath to shield from sharp stones and gravel. More expensive relative to a PVC liner, but if you are serious about your pond and /or about keeping KOI then this type of pond liner is highly recommended for all it’s superior physical properties. Epalyn is flexible, resistant to sunlight and adverse weather conditions with no cracking or physical damage.

The kit is inclusive of a tube of waterproof sealant. Safe to use in your pond and is non-toxic to fish and aquatic life. The adhesive seals underwater and can be applied to a wide range of different materials such as pond liners and stone. Our waterproof sealant is solvent free, easy to apply and gives an instant repair to rubber Epalyn and Butyl pond liners.

Designed to repair a tear in your pond liner without having to drain your pond. It is also highly effective when used to seal in a bottom-drain to your pond.

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