Tailored-to-fit Liners

Tailored-to-fit or box-welded pond liner service offers you a liner cut and prefabricated to the exact shape of your pond.


Tailored-to-fit or box-welded pond liner service offers you a pond liner cut and prefabricated to the exact shape of your pond, eliminating ugly dirt trapping folds and creases. A lay flat lip around the top edge of the liner usually completes the liner to allow your chosen pond finishing to anchor the liner in place. Box-welded pond liner Our tailored-to-fit service works best with formal shaped ponds such as squares, rectangles, L-shapes or circular ponds with vertical sides and shelves if required.

For a quotation simply go to our Contact Us page to fill in your pond details. We will need the length, width or the diameter and the total depth of your pond together with the size of the lip required (150mm (6”) is standard).

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